Welcome to the ICRA workshop website for the human-robot handover workshop!
The workshop will now be held online as a virtual conference and will take place on the 4th of June 2020.
To access the virtual the recordings of each presentation, please go to the program tab.
ICRA 2020 workshop on Human-Robot Handovers
Human-robot handovers are a likely occurrence in many areas of robotics ranging from industrial human-robot collaboration to clinical settings where a robot may act as a scrub nurse. While progress has been made devising handover controllers for face-to-face laboratory setups, less effort went into real-world scenarios such as the surgical setting. For example, some scenarios may require robots to occasionally take the initiative such as a co-bot handing tools to a human co-worker which may guide an inexperienced co-worker in certain situations. Others, such as the surgical theatre setting, embody asymmetrical “master-slave” relationships, where overt robotic initiative is less appropriate. There, a differentiated understanding of the task at hand seems to be as important as the recognition of the surgeon’s intent. Can we conceive of a handover controller that is flexible enough to accommodate the majority of situations? What other differences will need to be addressed when moving from laboratory settings to real-world applications? Collaboration with humans has been called the next frontier in robotics, and handovers will play an important part. To address this challenge, we believe that an interdisciplinary effort is required bringing together roboticists, HRI researchers, joint action specialists, and ethnomethodology researchers that have analyzed such tasks.
Click here for more information on registration.
To access the virtual presentations (held via Zoom), please enter your email address in the following form through the link: here
This workshop is supported by the IEEE RAS Technical Committees on:
1) IEEE RAS TC on Human Movement Understanding
Dr. Emel Demircan, email: Emel.Demircan@csulb.edu
2) IEEE RS TC on Cognitive Robotics
Dr. Laurel Riek, email: lriek@eng.ucsd.edu
3) IEEE RS TC on Human-Robot Interaction & Coordination
Dr. David Feil-Seifer, email: dave@cse.unr.edu